Ahoy m'hearty's,
Again I have failed to meet my blogging quota. Must do better.
As mentioned in my last post those many moons ago I have decided to embark on my second half marathon. Alas much of the last few weeks have been spent in trainers and short shorts - my concerns about exposing my peely wally legs to the good people of Glasgow were soon overcome as my body temperature reached tropical climes as soon as I broke into a mild canter. Turns out Glasgow's uncharacteristicly warm weather is posing a challenge to my training...but then again so is The West Wing Box set, ah Mr President.
Despite the sweat and the wobbly legs I'm actually really enjoying it. Not only does it feel good to push yourself but it's also a great way to check out the parks of our Dear Green Place.
Try starting off in Kelvingrove Park, true it's a tad hilly in parts but it's a great work out and you're rewarded with some cracking views when you reach the top. Kelvingrove is connected to the Botanic Gardens by a series of wooded paths and tunnels that run by the Kelvin - it's a lovely route popular with runners and cyclists (and, on the downside, every joggers nightmare, dog walkers. I doubt there's a runner out there who's not been involved in a comedy sprint off with an exciteable spaniel) Today I rounded off this route with a Rocky style sprint up some stairs...next week, shadow boxing ;)