Still, this is the west coast of Scotland, it rains sometimes, we don’t let it get us down.
Stag and Dagger is a multi venue festival and yesterday it hit Glasgow with a wealth of great bands that I couldn’t wait to get my ears into.
First stop was Nice n Sleazy’s to catch Tall Ships, a 3 piece from Falmouth and a guitar-led band who are more than happy to break out the synth when required. I really liked their sound, they play around with tempos, have good strong melodies and there’s an almost ‘folky’ sound to Ric Phethean’s voice. I expect they own at least one Foals record between them.
Listen to: Vessels
Then it was a quick sprint up Garnet Street to the Art School to see Ghostpoet – think Roots Manuva crossed with The Streets – stream of consciousness style lyrics, beats you can’t help but nod along to and the best named album of the year so far ‘Peanut Butter Blues and Melancholy Jam’
Listen to: Survive It
Next on the itinerary was Glasgow’s own Admiral Fallow at ABC. Like Frightened Rabbit before them the band have a distinctively Scottish sound – largely down to the strong accents they sing with. Clearly a talented young bunch of multi-instrumentalists, Admiral Fallow write beautiful melodies and combine them with heart rendingly honest lyrics.
‘Delivered’ is a favourite of mine “This is your end, this is your end, you’re delivered” sung in Louis Abbott's dulcet tones brings a tear to the eye. Yes, the band could be accused of being a little twee at times but it’s just so damn pretty you can’t help but listen.
Listen to: Delivered
They were followed by Warpaint, an all-female four-piece who hail from sunny LA, my highlight of the day, utterly brilliant! They have such an original sound but for the sake of comparison think The XX, but much better and much louder. They create this beautifully dark, whimsical sound and play so well together, you kind of feel like you’re underwater and to top it off they’re so effortlessly cool it hurts. Clearly the other Stag and Dagger attendees agreed, the ABC was packed out.
Listen to: Undertow
A quick pint brought me out of my dream-like state and off we plodded back to the Art School where we finished our night with Glasgow favourites Sons & Daughters. Vocalist/guitarist Scott Paterson appeared to be wearing a dead fox around his neck – not to worry, probably died of natural causes...
Sons and Daughters do what they do very well, some of their new tunes sound a little samey in parts but the crowd love them, Adele Bethal has a cracking voice and some of Franz Ferdinand were spotted mulling at the back of the room. They finished off their set with Dance Me In, an undoubtedly banging track and a great way to end a great day.
Listen to: Dance Me In
Can't wait until next year!