Sunday 5 September 2010

Oh my legs...

On Sunday morning with a belly full of weetabix and banana, I donned my running kit and threw some lack lustre stretching shapes. Lucozade in hand and bum bag on,well, bum, (occupational hazard of the diabetic) I left the flat ready for the Great Scottish Run Half Marathon.

2 hours and 4 minutes later I crossed the finish line. Woo hoo.

It's now Thursday and I have at last regained enough strength in my thighs to bend down and pick up my laptop from the bottom shelf.

Yes, it is fair to say I was in a fair amount of pain but it was worth it, I guess it's good to push yourself every once in a while.

I really enjoyed the run, the lovely people of Glasgow were out in force cheering on the runners and thankfully the sun stayed behind the clouds for most of the race. Special thanks go to the man with the garden hose on mile 9, much appreciated!

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