Wednesday 29 June 2011

Born to run (or jog)

Long stretches of road like this are becoming an increasingly familiar sight. I've just started training (I use the term loosely) for my 3rd Great Scottish Run Half Marathon. It takes place in Glasgow on September 4th so I've got a couple of months to throw some stretches in preparation.

The course starts in George Square outside the City Chambers and the run allows you to take in a few other Glasgow landmarks, you get a sterling view of the SECC as you run along the Kingston Bridge. You'll also find yourself in a number of Glasgow's famous parks - Bellahouston Park, Pollok Country Park and Glasgow Green where the added treat is the finish line!

I really enjoy the actual race, it's just the training that's a bit of a bugger. I'm hoping to improve my time this year, somewhere around 1 hour 57 would be great but I'll have to put in the work.

Now, where did I put that bum bag...

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